Friday, July 19, 2013

Say It Isn't So, Boss Lady!

Say it isn't so, Boss Lady!  That can't be our new library director!

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Morris the Gnome?  As MPL Director?!
In What Imaginary Universe?

Okay, I don't mean to be harsh, but if Morris is my new boss, then I'm SOOOO outta here!

False alarm!  Crafty Gal has given moi the inside story.  Apparently, Morris is simply reading in our directors' gallery.  I guess all the reading tables were already taken.  Being a gnome (and, presumably, magical), he can levitate himself up there.  Or it's transparent tape.  Either way, Morris will be hanging out all next week as part of Crafty Gal's ongoing program for her early literacy kiddies to find.  Clever hiding spot, really.  The best place to hide is sometimes right out in the open.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Lucky for us here at MPL, Morris the Gnome will NOT be our new boss.  But it got moi thinking about "Boss Man," by Gordon Lightfoot, from his LP Did She Mention My Name? (1968).

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