Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Final Episode of MEG-A-RAE

You won't want to miss this final episode of MEG-A-RAE, featuring Savvy and Programma Mama.  The 29 episodes of this video blog (vlog) are available on our YouTube Channel playlist.

MEG-A-RAE #29: A Very Special (But Sad) Farewell Episode,
by Savvy & Programma Mama

We will truly miss Savvy and her spectacular social media skills, ingenious teen programming, insightful book reviews, innovative ideas, and the whole teen librarian toolkit she carries inside her head.  But she is destined for greater achievements and glory.  When she's a famous librarian, remember that you heard it here first.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  This is my personal favorite MEG-A-RAE episode.

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