Monday, March 11, 2013

Cash-In Those Baby Teeth

On March 21, the Tooth Fairy will appear (magically, I'm hoping) at Crafty Gal's Pajama Time (6:30-7:15 p.m.)  This is bound to be truly exciting for our younger patrons and their caregivers.

Probably Not Dwayne Johnson, However
(It's Just a Movie)

More Likely, I'd Venture

I've heard that, if you take really good care of your teeth, you can place the baby teeth that fall out (naturally)  under your pillow, and the Tooth Fairy will take them, leaving cold cash behind while you sleep.  Easy money!

A WHOLE Quarter!  Hot Dog!

Hey, a quarter was a bunch of money back when Scowl-Face was leaving his baby teeth beneath pillows.  What's the going rate these days?  Crafty Gal could probably enlighten us about that.  But we'll need to attend Pajama Time to find out.

Don't wait until the last minute to register for this program.  The Tooth Fairy is a famous celebrity, so you can bet lots of people will want to be there.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Speaking of teeth, Crafty Gal and Aggie McPooch talked about the letter T t in their early literacy video blog (vlog) a couple of months ago.  Here it is again, in case you missed it.

P.P.S.  Remember Wild Thang and Sammy the Toucan?  They, too, did a vlog about the letter T t.  Were teeth involved?  You'll have to watch to see.

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