Sunday, March 24, 2013

Puttin' on the Reitz

In 1871, Midwest lumber baron John Augustus Reitz built his family home in what is now known as the Riverside Historic District in downtown Evansville, Indiana.  "Flat" Cauli VI (Flat Six for short) and my minions stopped by to see this resplendent house.  Click the images below to bigify.

 Side Entrance Used Daily by the Reitz Family

 Reitz House and Carriage House (on Right)

 Formal Front Entrance

Flat Six & the Lady With the Red Hair
on Their Way to Start the Tour

(Actually, that last photo was taken following the tour, but it's more dramatic telling it this way.)

I'd like to show you photos from inside--it is a truly magnificent home--but my team was unable to take any.  The Evansville Courier & Press had several superb photos available from a 2011 tour.

I'll leave it to the Reitz House Museum's informative website to provide historical details about the Reitz family, their many philanthropic deeds, and their wonderful residence.

I guess there's not much more to add, really.  We usually focus upon the visual during our field trips for this blog, and you may read the official histories yourself.

If you're going to Evansville, take the Reitz Home tour.  It is a fabulously restored historical experience.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  In 2007, volunteers from Vectren cleaned Reitz Home, as this minute-video clip explains.  You can see a few interior and exterior scenes in this clip.

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