Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Thousand-to-One Blizzard

A statewide blizzard during the last week of March in Indiana?  What are the odds, do you suppose?  A thousand-to-one against?  Well, that would be a convenient segue for this blog post.  This is my 1,000th posting.  Now all we need is a winter storm to dump a foot of snow on us.

Sorry I asked.

This is what conditions looked like around one of my "home hangouts" (i.e., where I spend time when not hanging around outside my Library).  The snow was only a few inches deep then.  It's now over six inches deep and still coming down steadily.  My minions braved the blizzard to snap these pix.  Click the images to bigify.

At the top of the hill (back in those woods in some of the photos above) is the house at which I spend most of my away-from-the-library time, which, as cold as our weather has been around here lately, is pretty much all the time.  I may be a freedom feline, but I'm no fool.  I'll stay indoors curled up on a blanket instead of stomping through the snow drifts any day.

This isn't how I imagined writing my 1,000th blog posting.  I conceived of cases of canned tuna-in-oil, television celebrity interviews, and a huge public bigbash at my Library.  Instead, I'll be lucky to get as bowl of dry food and maybe watch some TV.  Tune-in to Animal Planet, if you please. Finding Bigfoot starts at 10 pm.  (Guess I've missed it now, judging from the time of this posting.)  Well, there's always Too Cute Saturdays at 8 pm.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Danny and the Juniors released "A Thousand Miles Away" (above) around a thousand years ago.  Okay, it was more recently than that (1960). These dudes rode the doo-wop train from Philadelphia to the big time during the late 1950s into the early 1960s.  Who hasn't heard "At the Hop" (1957)?  That's worth a listen, I'd venture.

1 comment:

  1. This would be really pretty... if it were Christmastime, not a week before Easter! Stay warm, Cauli!


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