Thursday, March 28, 2013

Libraries & Old Dewey

Way back in 2011, Broadway Gal conceived of a music parody video showcasing my Library's programs, collections, resources, staff, and volunteers.  She wanted to use the music from the country classic, "Rocky Top" (1967), by the Osborne Brothers.  She found a professional musical duo (Theresa and Dave) to record her parody lyrics to the music.  (Get your own custom song from them at  Then the project beached itself on a sand bar for all of last year, because we were busier than the proverbial stinging non-dinners (or bees, if you prefer), what with our 100th anniversary bigbash, the new website, the new voice-over IP phone system, weeding the adult collections, continuous programs, etc.  So the project languished.  Then Broadway Gal left us.

Fortunately, we're nothing if not resilient at MPL.  This month, Scowl-Face decided to complete the project.  Here's the result.  We hope you enjoy it.

Libraries and Old Dewey, by Broadway Gal & MPL Staff & Volunteers
Music Performed by Theresa & Dave
(Credits Instrumental by iTunes)

You can see how much fun it is to work at my Library!

Thanks to Broadway Gal for shooting the opening and closing video footage, and for MPL staff and volunteers who participated in filming.  Thanks to Theresa & Dave for recording a great rendition of Broadway Gal's parody lyrics to the tune of "Rocky Top."  (You may watch them performing in the video below.)  Thanks to YouTube for not tagging our video as containing third-party copyrighted content (we claim the parody/satire exception under federal copyright law).

Libraries and Old Dewey, performed by Theresa & Dave (2011)
(Parody of "Rocky Top")
(They'll record your custom song at

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Here's a video clip of the Osborne Brothers performing "Rocky Top" live.  Of course it's live; how else would they perform it?

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