Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's WAY Too Cold For Spring

Sixteen degrees Fahrenheit, read the thermometer.  That's WAY too cold for Spring in Indiana, even in late March.  (For everybody outside the USA, here's the Celsius conversion for that temp:  Minus 8.88888888.)

 Cold Kitty Needs a Warm Hat & Scarf

Slobberdogs Make Good Blankets
Hey, weathermaker!  Look at the calendar.  Winter is over.  Spring started yesterday.  Make with the warm already!

Unlike most of the humans (and some of the felines) I know around town, I've lived in Mooresville all my life.   I've seen all kinds of weather in March.  Remember, I'm a feline roving reporter.  I spend most of my time outdoors, so cold is no friend of mine.  "In like a lion" is ordinarily true--March 1 is often blustery--but "out like a lamb" is clearly not so this year.

I realize that last year's summer-like March temperatures were a spoiler.  Still, this far a swing in the opposite direction is just ridiculous!

I expect warmer weather, pronto!  Minions, make it so.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "Cold Morning Light," by Todd Rundgren, appeared on his double-LP Something/Anything? (1972).

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