Saturday, February 2, 2013

Whistle Pigs Day

Today (February 2) is whistle pigs day.  That's what I call them.  You probably call them something else.

Your Basic Whistle Pig

Besides that other name commonly used to describe today, whistle pigs are known as woodchucks or marmots.  National Geographic uses their official zoological title, Marmota monax.  Obviously, I'm no biologist or zoologist or whatever-kind-of-gist, because I think a much more intriguing species name would be rodentia meteorologica.  Why?  Whistle pigs predict the remaining length of winter today, right?  So they're nature's meteorologists.  Plus, they look like rodents to moi.  Case closed.

Do you think Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow today?

Who Can See a Shadow With
All These "Officials" Gadding About?

I'll tell you this:  If any human "handlers" grabbed moi and held moi up in the air before a hooting, squealing crowd of people, those "handlers" would have two (or more) fewer hands (depending upon the number of "handlers").  Also, what's with the funereal garb?  "Stuffed shirts" galore!

This whole business seems ridiculous to moi.  But, then, I won't tolerate crowds of humans yammering and shuffling around.  It's no picnic for the whistle pig, from all appearances.

Well, there won't be any shadow-seeing around where I live.  Overcast, snow, and bitter cold are forecast.  So I suppose we'll have whatever weather comes when shadows are unseen.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Groundhog Day (1993) was a popular movie starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell and directed by Harold Ramis.  Here's the movie trailer.

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