Saturday, February 2, 2013

Take Your Child to the Library Day

The first Saturday in February is "Take Your Child to the Library Day." At least that's true in Connecticut.  Actually, as the video in my postscript reveals, this holiday is now celebrated in 34 states and four countries.

Bunny Families, Too, Are Welcome

This holiday is now included in Chase's Calendar of Events (2013 edition), so it must be official.

Many public libraries are having special programs today for children and their caregivers.  Our PAWS to Read program is starting right now (it is exactly 10:30 a.m. as my minions are typing this), if I correctly remember our online calendar.

We have many children's programs happening at MPL, as you may see from a quick glance at our latest newsletter, The Bookmark.  You may sign-up using our online calendar, or call (317) 831-7323 to register.  Of course, you may also sign-up for programs when visiting the Library.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "Take Your Child to the Library Day" is now a nationwide campaign, according to this Connecticut newscast excerpt on YouTube (late January, 2013).

P.P.S.  Seeing those bun-buns on that cute graphic above reminded moi of our book trailer for The Bunny Book, the classic children's picture book by Patricia (Patsy) & Richard Scarry.  This is Scowl-Face's favorite book from his youth.

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