Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What Different Name Would You Get?

Today (Wednesday, February 13) is Get a Different Name Day.  I guess all those felines, slobberdogs, and people out there who didn't like their current monikers needed a special holiday to make changes.

As Easy As That

Of course, if you want to legally change your name, then you've got a much more arduous process to endure.  Verified court pleadings, public notices in the newspapers, hearings, affidavits, possibly witnesses, blah blah blah. Back in his law practicing days, Scowl-Face loved representing clients in name change cases.  It was something of a specialty for him.  That's reason enough not to ask him anything about proper procedures, etc.  Once he starts talking, there's no stopping him.

So what's your new name going to be?  I'll keep mine, thank you very much.  You simply can't improve on Cauli Le Chat.

Just don't use this one, unless you're good in a sword fight.

If you haven't read The Princess Bride, by William Goldman (or seen the movie adaptation), you owe it to yourself.  Check-out the book from our online catalog if you have an Evergreen Indiana card.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "I Got a Name," by Jim Croce, appeared on Croce's album by the same title (1973).  It was the theme song to the movie The Last American Hero (1973), starring Jeff Bridges.

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