Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Romantic Reads For Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day (tomorrow) is another of those human holidays that my people pals love to get all gushy over.  Flowers, candy, dinners at fancy restaurants, marriage proposals, smoochies, and all that sort of thing are fine for humans, but we felines make short shrift of it.  It's just not something we cats care to invest much time into.

Not that it's unimportant, however.  Valentine's Day is a great romantic holiday for people, and since there must be some humans reading my blog (not just felines), let's throw them (people, not cats) a bone (if you can get it away from its slobberdog, that is) and talk about some great romantic reading.  This is a library blog, apparently, and readers' advisory is one of our longtime functions.

As you might well imagine, we have a book trailer playlist for romantic fiction.  I'll pepper this posting with embedded book trailers to several of our more popular romance novels.

Random Harvest, by James Hilton
(MPL Book Trailer #20)

Random Harvest is Scowl-Face's favorite romance story.

Bid Time Return (Somewhere in Time), by Richard Matheson
(MPL Book Trailer #127)

Without Armor, by James Hilton
(MPL Book Trailer #82)

A Scattered Life, by Karen McQuestion
(MPL Book Trailer #59)

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, by R. A. Dick
(MPL Book Trailer #107)

Josephine Aimee Campbell Lesley wrote under the unfortunate pseudonym R. A. Dick.  The less said about that the better, I'd venture. The book was pretty good, but, uncharacteristically, the 1947 movie adaptation was better.  Movies are usually not as good as the books upon which they are (sometimes loosely) based.

Sayonara, by James A. Michener
(MPL Book Trailer #29)

A Girl of the Limberlost, by Gene Stratton-Porter
(MPL Book Trailer #138)

And a fine Hoosier author was Geneva (Gene, for short).  Limberlost is one of the Indiana State Museum's Historic Sites.

Molly Make-Believe, by Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
(MPL Book Trailer #139)

Admittedly, Molly Make-Believe is somewhat dated, as a century has passed since its first publication.  It has some funny and endearing moments, though.

A Time to Love and a Time to Die, by Erich Maria Remarque
(MPL Book Trailer #102)

The Night in Lisbon, by Erich Maria Remarque
(MPL Book Trailer #124)

Listen for Rachel, by Lou Kassem
(MPL Book Trailer #137)

Good-Bye, Mr. Chips, by James Hilton
(MPL Book Trailer #46)

Most reviewers would never call Good-Bye, Mr. Chips a romance novel, because it is a warm and loving tribute to English schoolmasters of a century ago.  But there's romance in the middle bits, and it is truly fine.

The Christmas Secret, by Donna VanLiere
(MPL Book Trailer #5)

There you have my recommendations for romance reading.  That should keep you busy until Saint Patrick's Day, at least.  Just in case you finish earlier, try some romance-oriented nonfiction titles, such as this book (naturally, we have a book trailer).

Ultimate Wedding Planner & Organizer, 2nd ed., by Elizabeth Lluch
(MPL Book Trailer #26)

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

"Longer," by Dan Fogelberg
from the album Phoenix (1979)

P.S.  Do you have a favorite love song for Valentine's Day?  Scowl-Face does.  He sends this to the Lady With the Red Hair, as he did 33 years ago.

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