Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Our Super Librarian (and His Alter Ego)

The BizMeister brought our Super Librarian's costume to the Library today, and so we thought we should have him wear it before an adoring public.  Make with the super-hero change, Truly Nice Gentleman (T.N.G.)! There must be a phone booth around here somewhere.

For Anybody Who Doesn't Get That Joke

Our Super Librarian
(by Patrons' Donations)

T.N.G. is Super Librarian
(Click Images to Bigify)

That's His Name Tag, All Right

Now, wait just a minute.  His head looks peculiar.  I don't remember him having that white strip across the crown of his noggin.

There's Some Kinda Scam Happening!

That's T.N.G. standing at the Circulation Desk (to the left) while his alter ego, Super Librarian, stands to the right.  Is this like Clark Kent and Superman appearing at the same time to convince Lois Lane that they're not the same person?  Neat trick, actually.

There's only one way to determine which is which (or vice versa).  Queen Settler, make with the bunny ears!

T.N.G. Won't Stand For That, I'll Wager

A-HA!  He Fell For My Little Trap!

So Super Librarian and T.N.G. are really two different people, I guess.  OR . . .  That Super Librarian is actually a ROBOT while T.N.G. remains in his mild-mannered alter ego.  It worked for Clark (Superman) Kent and his robot doubles.  Or . . .

Clark Kent Robot & Superman

Maybe T.N.G. is the robot and Super Librarian is the real deal.  It's kinda hard to tell (just kidding!).

Well, it's a SUPER costume, for sure, BizMeister.  Great job!  I'd like one, please and thanks.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Scowl-Face grew up watching George Reeves portray Superman on television (Adventures of Superman1952-1958).  Well, reruns, anyway. Here are the opening credits to the TV series from sometime in the 1950s.

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