Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Just What We Need

More Scowl-Face hanging around the Library!  That's just what we need (eye-roll).

That'll Happen More, Now

Scowl-Face has accepted a new position (not the one pictured above, thankfully) at my Library.  He is now the Adult Services Information Director (whatever that is) instead of whatever he used to be.  It's a full-time job, which is quite nice, and about which he is rather thrilled beyond words--which, if you know him, is a fair distance indeed.

Enough talk, Scowl-Face!  Get to work.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  When it comes to being at MPL, Scowl-Face would agree with Ray Thomas, who composed "Nice to Be Here" on the Moody Blues' album Every Good Boy Deserves Favour (1971).

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