Saturday, December 15, 2012

Harley Quinn, I.T.

My Library is currently short an information technologist, so Boss Lady has taken aboard that workload, with CircMaster, Technigal, and Scowl-Face acting as EITs (emergency information technicians).  We need somebody who is computer-savvy to handle our technologies.  I've got just the candidate.

Harley Quinn
MPL "Cub" Reporter

That's not Harley in the funny computer photo immediately above, but she has regularly struck similar poses.  She closely scrutinizes what's happening on computer monitor and television screens, so she must intimately know their inner workings.  She could easily do the types of computer maintenance that the kitties (in the photos below) are shown doing.  (We would show Harley doing these things with computers, but she won't sit still long enough for my minions to focus the digital camera.)

As a test of her qualifications, let's see how well Harley does in repairing one of the Library's OOO (out-of-order) PCs.  Okay, Harley, begin by starting the computer and accessing the setup module (press the F2 key or the F10 key).

Oh, For Crying Out Loud!

WHICH KEY(S) did you press, Harley?!!

Still, it's better than Scowl-Face can do.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

1 comment:

  1. We kitties are ALL techno-wizzes! How do you think we took over the internet?


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