Monday, October 15, 2012

Uncle Larry, Definitely

The Library usually posts its early literacy blogs on Wednesdays, but as MPL official feline roving reporter, I like to break stories early and scoop my competitors.  So here is this week's episode, in which Crafty Gal interviews our second puppet candidate to replace Sammy the Toucan. Meet Bippidy Bag!  If you can stand it.

If Bippidy Bag is hired as Sammy's replacement, then I'm quitting.  Just saying.

Hey, Bippidy!  That football definitely was your Uncle Larry.  I'd recognize that brown bagger anywhere.  Before his football gig, I think he carried Broadway Gal's lunch.  Maybe Boss Lady's, too.  Brown paper bags are so versatile.

Sammy also interviewed Bippidy Bag.  Things turned a trifle nasty near the end.

Remember, you get to vote for your choice for Sammy's replacement after the third candidate's interview is aired (next week) on the MPL YouTube Channel.  So far, we've seen Doctor Hooticus Maximus and Bippidy Bag. Our final candidate is Cap'n Arrrrrgyle the Pirate.  Say it with moi.  So fun to say!

I can't help thinking we need to interview more candidates.  So maybe Cauliette still has a chance!

Really, I'm Out the Door If Bippidy Bag Becomes Our New Puppet,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy Puppet News Beat

P.S.  The group The Paperbags has been described as "more of a family project than a real band," but the  band sounds pretty real to moi.  Here is "Universal Cowboy," from an upcoming album, we're hoping.  Check out The Paperbags website for more info about the band.


  1. I'll be right behind you, Cauli!

  2. I really liked the idea of Harley (that cute, energetic, adorable and very friendly cub reporter) helping out with the early literacy videos. Any news on that front, Cauli?

    1. No word yet, L.W.T.R.H. We'll have to see what Crafty Gal & "new Suzanne" say.


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