Tuesday, July 24, 2012

T-Minus Eight and Counting

We are just eight days away from our new website launch target date.  The site is pretty much good-to-go, but we're tweaking a bit at the moment.  Come August 1, 2012, just visit our regular website URL, and you'll see something radically new and exciting.

Not much more to report, actually.  So let's go straight to a musical closer.

P.S.  "Eight Days a Week," by the Beatles, was originally released on the band's LP Beatles For Sale (1964) and as the A-side to a single released in the U.S. (1965).

My Signature Tagline Appears Below the Postscript This Time (i.e., the Whole Horse-Cart Before Thing),

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
New Website News Beat

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