Friday, July 27, 2012

Our Tribute to Wanda Potts

Read our tribute to Wanda Rusie Potts (1921-2012), who was MPL Indiana Room Librarian & MPL Assistant Director for more years than many of my readers have been alive.  We're talking 1966-2002.  That's a career of achievement from which our patrons and staff routinely partake and quite definitely benefit.  Any question my Library might answer regarding the history of Mooresville, Indiana (and vicinity) is due entirely to Wanda's lifetime of garnering and safeguarding the historical record.

I'm particularly grateful to Wanda, because her Indiana Room is my Roving Reporter Room.  It is an honor to rest my feline presence in her special place that preserves our collective community past.

Visit Wanda's Treasure Trove of Local History at the Library,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Indiana Room News Beat

P.S.  For her 90th birthday last year (June, 2011), the Library prepared a program (or promo) trailer featuring our poetic tribute to Wanda Potts, "Wanda of the Golden Dawn."

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