Thursday, July 19, 2012

Savvy & Programma Mama Pique Your Pinterest

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Savvy, MPL Teen Librarian, and Programma Mama, MPL Adult Programs Coordinator, have started an MPL page on Pinterest.  Here's Programma Mama's description from the Library's Facebook page:

If you have Pinterest, you should check out the Mooresville Public Library's Pinterest page! That's right, we have joined Pinterest. So now you can really keep track of what we are doing at the library.

No reason to stand here gawking about.  Click this hyperlink already!

Have we piqued your pinterest?

Bad Puns Are Free,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Technology News Beat

1 comment:

  1. Cauli, how come the library doesn't have a Pinterest board for you?


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