Thursday, July 19, 2012

New Wild Thang & Sammy the Toucan Videos & Playlist

Yesterday was videography catch-up day in MPL Youth Services.  We filmed a new Explore to Learn: Early Literacy Fun video (starring Wild Thang & Sammy the Toucan), plus Sammy gave a library weather report as a special bonus feature.  If you don't watch both, you'll lie awake all night wishing you had.

The MPL YouTube Channel now has a new playlist:  Sammygrams: What's New in MPL Youth Services.  All your favorite Sammy the Toucan videos!  Plus hatching chicks @ MPL videos!  Winged dinners all around!  (Well, not you, Sammy--after all, we're library colleagues.)

MPL YouTube Playlist:  Sammygrams
(What's New in MPL Youth Services)

Loads of Great Video Fun There, To Be Sure,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Youth Services News Beat

P.S.  This is what Nicaraguan toucans (or this one, at any rate) sound like to people when they (people) visit a zoo.  Or maybe the zoo was in Nicaragua.  The people were speaking English, though.  I wonder what they (people) sound like to toucans?

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