Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Caretakers, Librarians & Teachers: Early Literacy Reading & Program Ideas for Younger Readers

MPL Youth Services present a variety of early literacy videos for librarians, preschool caretakers, teachers, and parents to make reading fun for young children.  Click here to select individual videos from our playlist, or click the play button above to start watching the playlist.

Miss Jaymi and Sammy the Toucan have their own YouTube Channel with a complete listing of their early literacy videos.  Click here to select from their playlist.


  1. Hey Cauli--you and your underling Bill Buckley got a shout-out in Library Journal this month! (He even admitted that yours is the most popular of the MPL blogs. Well, DUH.)

    That's super-fantastic if you ask me! That publication is probably read by tens of librarians everywhere!

    1. Thanks, Tober. I haven't seen the article yet. Was it in print or on the LJ website?

    2. We saw it in print--at the beginning of the mystery reviews section. That is so cool!


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