Thursday, July 12, 2012

A-1 New Website Launch Target Date

We have an A-1 target date for the Library's new website launch:  August 1, 2012.  Check at the usual URL for the big change.

Since all Library blogs will be maintained on our new website, all of our Blogger-based blogs (like my two, one of which you're now reading) will discontinue new postings.  All of the older postings, however, will remain active, so you may browse these if you wish.  There are 740 to choose from, at least on this blog.

Thanks for following my blogs!  I've enjoyed sharing what's been happening around my neighborhood.


Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
New Website News Beat

P.S.  For legendary folk group The Weavers, Woody Guthrie reworked his song, "So Long, It's Been Good to Know You," from its 1930s dustbowl setting to one to which listeners in 1951 could more easily relate.  The song appeared on several of the Weavers' greatest hits compilations.


  1. What what WHAT? You mean no more blog posts on THIS site, right, but more to come on the new site. Right?

    I mean, they should reserve, like, 1/4 of the new site for you, Cauli!

    Do I need to have a talk with your Boss Lady?

    1. Not sure about the blogs on the new site, Tober. There's a team at the Library that has to meet sometime in the next couple of weeks to decide which blogs will appear on the new site. Apparently, many of them are being consolidated or phased out.

  2. Oh, please. We just found you not that long ago. Please keep her blogging, Library Team.
    We've fallen in love with Cauli. She gives us lots of information and even though we aren't around your library, we love libraries. And admire your staff and all you do and this blog is excellent and friendly for book lovers and non-booklovers. It must draw in a lot of new patrons for your library.
    Okay. Mom Minored in library in college.
    But still!

    1. Thanks, Brandi. I'm keeping my paws crossed for good luck! I'll let everybody know what's decided when they tell moi.


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