Thursday, June 7, 2012

Was There Any Water in the Well?

Was there any water at the bottom of the well?  What well, you may well ask.  Well, it was the well at the bottom of which Wild Thang and Sammy the Toucan were standing when Scowl-Face video-recorded their latest early literacy fun.  Click the video player below to see what I mean.

There's less echo in the Grand Canyon.

Hey, Scowl-Face, here's a heads-up.  Big, empty rooms and the library digital camera's built-in condenser microphone are not a good complement.

Can You Hear Moi Now-Now-Now-Now . . . ,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  Tim Buckley performed "Song of the Siren" on The Monkees television program (1968).  Note the moderate use of reverb to echo voice and guitar.  I don't quite get the junk car as a prop, however.  Folksy, in a Depression-era way, maybe.

P.P.S.  While waiting to perform some overdubs during the Monkees Headquarters sessions (1967), Micky Dolenz chatted with producer Chip Douglas (i.e., Douglas Farthing Hatlelid) while the sound engineer, Hank Cicalo, turned the reverb WAY up.  In this clip, Dolenz eventually sang a demo of the song "Pillow Talk," which was included on the CD re-release (1995) of Headquarters.  I consider this to be the best "group album" by the Monkees, when the prefab four were truly operating as a real rock-and-roll band.

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