Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2012 Summer Reading Kickoff

Last Friday, June 1, 2012, my Library held its annual summer reading bigbash.  Broadway Gal, Wild Thang, Savvy, Miss Alicia, Cataloger Queen, and many of MPL's other top-notch staff (as opposed to bottom-notched?  But Scowl-Face was A.W.O.L. at this event) were present to assist patrons in signing-up for adult, teen, and children's summer reading programs.  Patrons had loads of fun with the many engaging activities, including an outdoor movie with free popcorn.  It doesn't get any better than that.

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If you sadly missed all the excitement, we've got some photos, thanks to Boss Lady, I'm thinking.

Broadway Gal & BizMeister are the beginning
of your summer reading adventure

Savvy's ready to sign-up teen summer readers

Miss Alicia, Broadway Gal's Mom, and Queen Settler
signing-up the preschoolers

Eager patrons anticipate the movie
on an inflatable outdoor movie screen
(Thanks to Lebanon [Ind.] Public Library for the loan)

Patrons milling about on the MPL Courtyard
where exciting activities aplenty were happenin'

What types of fun activities were happening, you might ask?  When my minions were busy elsewhere, I tried out the climbing wall moiself.  Mighty cool, I must say!  I don't know why those handholds were there, though.  My claws worked quite nicely.

Climbing to the top

Our sidewalk chalk art was a huge "draw" for younger patrons

OfficeMeister doles out free popcorn

Lady Stradivarius (former MPL Adult Services Page)
says it's time for a juice break (another freebie)

Summer reading is serious business
for Wild Thang's Mom, InsuraDude, & Wild Thang

Broadway Gal is all smiles after
another successful summer reading launch

Great turnout, considering it was cold enough to make my tail fur stand on its end.  Congrats to Broadway Gal and her phenomenal youth services team.  Thanks to all the great library staff and volunteers for your invaluable services.  Great photos, Boss Lady.  We've got a new official digital camera operator, I'm thinking.

Even if you missed this primo event, you may still sign-up for summer reading.  Did I mention there were prizes?  Our website has details.

There are three convenient ways to sign-up:

  • Sign-up at the library on your next visit;
  • Call (317) 831-7323; or
  • Visit our website and click the hyperlinks (shown below).

Sign-Up Sooner Than Later,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Summer Reading News Beat

P.S.  When I think of kickoffs, I think of American football. The Chicago Bears performed "The Superbowl Shuffle" (1985) in a rap music video that was wildly popular, back in the day.  Bears fans still speak reverently about it.

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