Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Flat" Caulis Travel Logging All 'Round

My Library's summer travel logs are going to be overflowing with exciting details as several "Flat" Caulis are simultaneously heading toward all compass points.

We know, for instance, that "Flat" Cauli V (Flat Five) has been sojourning near and far on her library critters world tour.  Flat Five (who might have been Flat Six in disguise--all "Flat" Caulis look alike, even to moi) is still visiting Morgan County Public Library (in Martinsville, Indiana, with branches throughout the county)--we suspect she may have decided to live there so she can have lots of fun with Morgan the MCPL Library Bunny--but, through the miracle of bilocation (or photocopying), Flat Five is also simultaneously travelling to Westfield Washington Public Library (in Westfield, Indiana) to pal around with some cool swimming dinners fish who live and work there.  What's more, Flat Five is also-also visiting Porter C. Bibliocat at Anna Porter Public Library in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  The library critter world tour is in full swing, for sure.

Meanwhile, Flat Seven has just secured passage with Broadway Gal to the American Library Association (ALA) annual national bigbash in Anaheim, California, on June 21-26, 2012.  This is THE professional event for American librarians, so Broadway Gal will be plenty busy attending workshops, learning new librarian stuff, and getting freebies from the vendor exhibits.  Hopefully, she'll have time to take Flat Seven to Disneyland.  I haven't been there since one of my previous nine lives, when I jumped the fence and did an early version of the roving reporter thing.  Beware of cotton candy, Flat Seven.  Just saying.  I learned the hard way.

Waaaaay Too Sticky For Us Felines

Hopefully, Flat Seven will be filing reports (with Broadway Gal's help, I'm sure) as to all the tremendous fun happening out there in Anaheim.  Flat Five, of course, has been prompt and thorough in her journalistic reports on her library critter world tour, so we may expect further details as they are forthcoming.

Goo-on-a-Stick, Is What I Call It,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
"Flat" Cauli Travel News Beat

P.S.  Broadway Gal's trip with Flat Seven makes moi "California Dreamin'," by the Mamas & the Papas (1965).  Here is a video montage of some live and television performances by the group from way back in the day.

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