Thursday, May 17, 2012

Now Batting For Brownsburg . . . Mighty Casey!

The Associated Press released this breaking news.

MOORESVILLE, IND. (AP) -- Mooresville Public Library traded its league-leading librarian, Casey at the Bat, to Brownsburg Public Library for two draft selections in the 2013 draft and three SLIS students to be named later.  Said Team Manager Boss Lady, "Casey has been a fine circulation and senior outreach librarian for our squad, but it was time for her to extend her librarian skills.  Brownsburg provided an ideal opportunity for Casey to develop her children's librarianship, which was one of her career goals.  We wish her well and know that Brownsburg will get an all-star player in the bargain."

We are both sad and happy that Casey at the Bat will be joining Brownsburg Public Library as children's librarian.  We lose a key player, but BPL gains a top-notch franchise builder whose middle name, if not actually "can do," certainly should be her nickname.

You remember my previous posts about Casey.  In case your memory needs jogging, here are the hyperlinks:

Brownsburg (Indiana) Public Library and MPL have traded several players in the past.  There was Technigal (when she was Anime-Manga Gal) and School Media Master.  Now Casey joins the BPL ranks.  Brownsburg always has had a top-cat kind of library, but, now, with all these additions, they'll be even better.  (Technigal first worked for us, then us and them simultaneously, and now just us, but she counts in this mix, too.)

Good luck, Casey!  Knock a few out of the ballpark for us.  Well, not literally.  After all, those are kids you're going to be dealing with.

Let's Not Overdo the Metaphors,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Staff Transition News Beat

P.S.  Momentarily dropping the baseball analogy, let's serenade Casey, who is launching her new career as a youth services librarian, with "Life Is a Long Song," by Jethro Tull, from the compilation double-album set (as released in the U.K.), Living in the Past (1972).

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