Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Trip To Toberville

"Flat" Cauli V is currently guarding my Indiana Roving Reporter Room in the secluded sleeping spot.  But she is planning a big adventure trip, and this will be quite exciting, let moi assure you.

"Flat" Cauli V wants to travel through the U.S. Mail, like "Flat" Stanley.  She knows exactly where she wants to go. She wants to visit Tober, Boss Cat at Thorntown (Indiana) Public Library (TPL).  I'm trying to convince Five (as I'll call "Flat" Cauli V from now on, to avoid redundancy) that she should travel to Thorntown in an E.I. transit bag.  TPL, like MPL, is an Evergreen Indiana (E.I.) library.  Since my Library has to return materials checked out from TPL and checked-in by us here, that would be the perfect travel arrangement for Five.  E.I. transit is "free," meaning it's already included in operating costs for the consortium.  Free is good, after all.

Tober the Thorntown Public Library Cat
(Photo From Tober's Blog--Thanks For Letting Us Borrow It!)

Visiting Tober is like going to a rock star's house to party.  Tober is a bona fide world-famous feline, and it would be quite the social event for moi to have Five drop by Tober's cool library pad.

But it's not as simple as just dropping Five into a bag and sending her off with the other E.I. materials bound for Thorntown.  We have to write letters of introduction for Five, which I'll assign to my minions.  Then we need to meet with our E.I. Transit Team, which arranges for everything to get back to home libraries safely and soundly.  But these are all just details, and my minions are good at detailing.

Five is bound for quite an adventure, to be sure.  Tober keeps things ship-shape up there in Thorntown, so we know a great time will be had by all.

Wishing I Could Go, But I Must Stay Here, Doing the Roving Reporter Thing,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
"Flat" Cauli Travel News Beat

P.S.  Tober is a stern, but fair, taskmaster at TPL, but he has his cute side, as we cats all do.  Watch Tober's video.  This is massive cuteness.  Resident kitties make libraries much more fun.  Just saying, Boss Lady.


  1. This sounds like an exciting excursion!

  2. Sounds like fun! Perhaps Five should do a Library Critter Tour.


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