Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Meet Cauliette, MPL Feline Friend 4 Kids

Cauli 4 Kids has a new spokesfeline.


Meet Cauliette, MPL feline friend 4 kids.  Huge thanks and praiseful shout-outs to BizMeister for making (by hand!) our stuffed version of moi.  Also, thanks to Technigal for naming Cauliette, which is a combination of the words Cauli and puppet.  Well, the -et part, anyway.

What will Cauliette be doing at our Library?  Maybe videos, like Sammy the Toucan?  Just saying, Broadway Gal.  We would need a "helper" for Cauliette, if you get my drift.  Anybody but Scowl-Face.  Cauliette's a girl, and Scowlly's voice and face frighten children.

Not Scowl-Face, But An Incredible Simulation

Hey, Wild Thang.  I'm thinking that Cauliette should be a guest on one of your early literacy blog videos.  Just saying.

Cauliette Needs a Roving Reporter Hat, Decorinator,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Stuffed Cauli News Beat

P.S.  Melvil, the Kansas State Library Cat, does the same deal as Cauliette will, once we've found her a "helper."  Why doesn't the Indiana State Library have an official cat, I'm wondering?  Maybe Cauliette could work there, part-time.

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