Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Get to Know Those in the Know (Part Deux)

We continue with the second in our series of getting to know our librarians, who are "masters of the know."

A generation separates Boss Lady and Broadway Gal, but their roots are in the same Indianapolis neighborhood of Irvington.  There are many other similarities.  Both hold masters' degrees in library science from I.U.P.U.I., where they were classmates back in the day.  Both began their library work in youth services.  Both have dynamic, extroverted personalities.  Both are decisive leaders.  Both work incredibly hard.  Both are snazzy dressers.  Both are female.  Both are people, not felines.  Amazing similarities!  Coincidence?  Read the book.

Boss Lady with MPL Indiana Room Librarian Marylou Smith (2007)

Broadway Gal receiving a generous donation (2007)

Broadway Gal says she doesn't have a favorite band but just loves music.  Boss Lady committed herself to two possible favorites:  Chicago and Bread.  If you remember those groups, then you're older than you look.

Both agreed that red was their favorite color, although Boss Lady said she loved bright hues, particularly those found in the rainbow.

When asked about their favorite childhood library memories, here's what they reported:

  • Broadway Gal:  "I loved my library [Irvington's Brown Branch] as a child.  My favorite memory is my Children's Librarian.  She knew my name and supplied me with lots of books on the strange things I always wanted to read about. . . . This mostly included dolls that could talk." 
  • Boss Lady:  "I remember our weekly school visits to the Brown Branch Library in Irvington, located on the east side of Indianapolis on Washington Street.  I remember the excitement of opening those glass doors and entering another world where my imagination could take me anywhere.  When entering, I remember a faint breeze that brushed my face and filtered through my nose a distinctive aroma only those who have read a book mere inches from their noses can understand.  In a single file, we were led to 'our area,' and there stood what seemed to be acres of bookcases with rows filled with tall, thin, fat, and short colorful books just waiting for me to pull them off the shelf.  At a low desk sat the librarian, who in a whisper encouraged us to 'contain' our excitement (i.e., to behave) while selecting our books and to speak softly during our visit.  I loved Brown Branch and have SO many more fond memories!"

Boss Lady began working at MPL in 1996, while Broadway Gal started in April, 2007.  Before joining our crew, Boss Lady was the Librarian Aide at Waverly (Indiana) Elementary School, which then was a full-time position, and she worked at the Northeast (now Waverly) Branch of Morgan County Public Library after school in the afternoons and on Saturdays.  A part-time children's librarian's assistant position became available at MPL, and she added that to her other jobs.  Boss Lady left her Waverly post in 1999 to concentrate on earning her academic degrees and to become a full-time MPL Adult Programs Coordinator and Reference Assistant.  Leaving Waverly was, she said, "the most difficult decision [I ever made]; I loved my Waverly kids and teachers!"  After a few years, she became MPL Assistant Director and then MPL Director in 2004.

Before becoming Head of MPL Youth Services, Broadway Gal was Teen Librarian at Lebanon (Indiana) Public Library.  She designed that library's teen room, which was pretty incredible when I saw it a couple of years ago (minions smuggled moi inside during a librarian roundtable meeting).  All shiny and beautiful!  That's an amazing accomplishment among many for Broadway Gal.  Her resume boasts enough achievements for five ordinary librarians--12 if you're using Scowl-Face as a comparative benchmark.

What are their favorite things about working at MPL?
  • Broadway Gal:  "I have two favorite things about working at MPL:  my patrons and my fellow staff members.  Our library is a great place to work because we are all here to help out our patrons.  I most enjoy connecting young readers with books, and my favorite way to do that is through book talks!"

  • Boss Lady:  "I literally pinch myself everyday to make sure this isn't a dream.  I have the best career in the world and the best TEAM! . . . .  I hope that wonderful memories are created at MPL.  Whether you are a child or adult, the library can be a place to gather and socialize; seek information and answers; leisure reading; check-out free movies, music, video games; connect with your social media friends--so much is inside these glass doors!  The library adds to the quality of life, and I am proud of our staff, Board of Trustees and Friends organization, who sincerely strive to make visits to the Mooresville Public Library a wonderful experience and [work to ensure] that our patrons enjoy the experience and return, often!"
Neither Broadway Gal nor Boss Lady live in Mooresville, but that's okay.  This town has a long history of good folks commuting here to work.  Roughly a century ago, people used to take the interurban trains from surrounding cities and communities to work at the sorghum factory, the brass & iron bed & mattress factory (which employed over 500 when Mooresville's resident population was about 1,200), and other businesses.

It is no exaggeration to say that MPL would not be the successful library it is today without Boss Lady and Broadway Gal.  I think their employment agreements should stipulate that they can never leave here, but Scowl-Face says that's unenforceable.  Something about the principle of unconscionability in contract law.

Who will we get to know next week?  You can expect another pair of wonderful MPL staffers; that's a given.

Get To Know Some Canned Tuna-in-Oil For Moi, Minions!

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Staff News Beat

P.S.  Since Boss Lady named Bread as a favorite band, we'll close with "It Don't Matter to Me," written by group leader David Gates, from the band's self-titled debut album (1969).

P.P.S.  Since Broadway Gal didn't specify a favorite group, we'll pick Suzanne Walker singing "Summertime" (2010), live at Ocean Recording Studio, Roseville, Michigan.  At least, that's our best guess about recording locations.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to just specify that Boss Lady and I were talking about the same library! I loved Brown Branch!


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