Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Savvy Geeks Steampunk

Guess what Savvy, MPL Teen Librarian, geeks?  Give up?  Already?!  Well, I won't keep you in suspense.

Click Image to Bigify

What is steampunk, my older readers might query?  Savvy has written about this science fiction/fantasy subgenre in her blog.  She also did the readers' advisory thing and reviewed the young adult book she's holding, Leviathan, by Scott Westerfeld (first in the series).  Is the book available in our Evergreen Indiana online catalog?  Well, since Savvy is holding a copy, I'd say, "Roger that."  Want to place an online hold with your E.I. library card?  You know what to do.  (I've included other Westerfeld books in the Leviathan series in my hyperlink, for your convenience.)

What is geeking, some of my newer readers may inquire?  I've got a blog posting about that. Actually, I've posted several, like so and so on and so forth.  We also made a couple of promo trailers about geeking your library.  Want to see them?  Naturally.

That is a really cool costume, Savvy.  You add beauty, charm, and grace to the Indiana Roving Reporter Room.  I love it when our staff dress up in character.  Scowl-Face said you thought you looked googly-eyed in those welder's goggles, but, as Wild Thang frequently observes, what are crafts without googly eyes?  Well, perhaps that also applies to costumes.  Anyway, you look fantastic.  I can say that without getting into trouble, because I'm a cat.

Steampunk sounds really intriguing.  Maybe there's room for a steampunk novel about moi?  After all, H. G. Wells based his puma character in The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896) after one of my previous incarnations.  Just saying.  Don't believe moi?  Well, you should watch our book trailer.  That won't address the issue, but it's a decent book trailer.

Great Photo, Savvy, Even If Scowl-Face Took It,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Geek the Library News Beat

P.S.  Here's a video about the Steampunk Exhibition at Oxford University (2009-2010).

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