Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cauli Art Appreciation Contest Winners

By Junior, of Junior's Farm
MPL Special Feline Correspondent
Arts & Crafts News Beat

A team of artistically-inclined felines judged the drawings that our early literacy library patrons submitted on Cauli Le Chat Appreciation Day (last Wednesday, February 22, 2012).  This is a crack team of kitty artisans who know fine art when we see it.

Meet the rest of the judging panel:

Cauli Le Chat, MPL Feline Roving Reporter

Harley Quinn, MPL Feline "Cub" Reporter

Cauli, of course, is well known to her readers, and her qualifications speak for themselves.  Harley is new to the world of art evaluation, but she's quite keen to do a good job.  Actually, she's quite keen about everything.

HARLEY:  Ohboyohboyohboyohboy . . .  I am SOOOO thrilled to be selected on the judging panel for all of this wonderful artwork!  It is all so terrifically creative and imaginative.  I can't wait to get started!

CAULI:  Settle yourself, Harley.  Take some deep breaths.

It was a difficult decision, because there were so many excellent drawings.  Everybody who participated is a winner to us!  There were four categories of drawing styles, or "schools" (as we artsy types call them):
I've provided hyperlinks to the human definitions for this artistic terminology.  We felines have our own interpretations, though.

Here are the winners in each category.  To preserve privacy, we are using only the artists' initials followed by a line (e.g., "J____ W____").  In cases in which the initials are the same, we used the first two letters of an artist's first name.  Those whose initials are given:  You know who you are.


"Buttercup," by Sh____ B____

"Purple Tail Cauli," by L____ M____


"Silent Cauli" by B____ P____

"Kaleidoscopic Cauli," by K____ B____


"Purple Haze Cauli," by Sy____ B____

"Rainbow Cauli," by G____ C____


"Electric Red Static Cauli," by L____ J____

"Happy Cauli Goes Green," by D____ M____

Thanks to everybody who participated.  Remember to keep drawing!  Your art is your unique expression.  NOBODY ELSE can draw exactly like you can, and the world would be a lot less fun if we didn't have YOUR artwork to enjoy.

Paws Up to All Our Young Artists,

Junior, of Junior's Farm
MPL Special Feline Correspondent
Arts & Crafts News Beat

P.S.  "The Painter," by Neil Young, comes to us courtesy of his album Prairie Wind (2005).

P.P.S.  "Colours," by Donovan, was first released as a single (1965).  It helped establish Donovan's folk song-writing reputation.  He liked to be known as the "Scottish Woody Guthrie" instead of the "British Bob Dylan."  He had his reasons.

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