Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Three Cheers For the BizMeister

Sharon Hicks recently became my Library's Business Manager, and, like everyone who works here, she needs a "Cauli name."  To select the best-fitting moniker, one must conduct extensive background research.  Fortunately, I have minions to do that.  Even better, my Library has the only complete collection of Mooresville High School yearbooks in the world.

Sharon's work experience suggests the "Cauli name" of BizMeister, as she has extensive and impressive business administration and management expertise. That fits her professional capacities at my Library; but what about those intangible personal qualities?  For this, we must delve deeply into local history and folklore.

Long-time residents of our hometown know Sharon well, as she is a Mooresville, Indiana native.  Proud graduate of Mooresville High School (MHS Class of 1965), she was involved in everything important.  No secret is safe from my minions, especially when one is the unofficial town historian.

Want to see some pictures?  Of course you do.

As for other possible "Cauli names" for Sharon, how about Dancing Queen?  The Cheer Chair of the Board?  Singer-by-the-Numbers (because she's into accounting)?  None is quite as descriptive as BizMeister, though.

Let's review more photos, shall we?

"Nhey!  Leggo Ny Nose!"

Cool Photo Composition Here
(Find BizMeister at around 7 o'clock)

No comments about those nice legs, Scowl-Face.  Remember your staff in-service topic from a few years ago.

She was an Actress, Too

Since BizMeister was a singer and an actress at MHS, perhaps Drama Queen would be a good nickname.  Okay, probably not.

Thanks to the staff of MHS Wagon Trails (1965) for having the foresight to take a bunch of photos of BizMeister.  They must have known that I would need them for my blog.

Welcome, BizMeister!  Payor Pal is admittedly a really tough act to follow (like following the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1964), but your theatrical and choral experience, coupled with your cheerleading and Kadette duties, as well as your lifetime of managerial acumen and business service to various organizations (non-profit or otherwise), gives you the chops to handle whatever comes across your plate.  If it's canned tuna-in-oil, that's mine.

Crunching Numbers is Tougher Than Crunching Dry Cat Food,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
New Hires New Beat

P.S.  What better musical closer for today's posting than "Taking Care of Business," by Bachman-Turner Overdrive, from the LP Bachman-Turner Overdrive II (1973).

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