Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Savvy Takes the Teen Reins

Rachel Montgomery, M.L.S., whom I'll call Savvy (because she is, as Broadway Gal says), has joined my Library staff as our new Young Adult (i.e., Teen) Librarian.  Savvy will take the reins next week, when she will rein-in, or, perhaps, reign over, the teens.  (I'm getting a lot of mileage out of the word rein and its homophone, reign.  This calls for a musical segue, but we'll wait for the postscript.)

Savvy will be in charge of all things teen at my Library.  That's a huge piece of the Youth Services pie, but there's always room for dessert.  As Broadway Gal described her, Savvy brings "teen programming experience and an infectious enthusiasm," both of which are essential qualities to work in the YAZ (Young Adult Zone), which is her new headquarters.

The YAZ (Young Adult Zone) 

Savvy's New HQ (Computer and Other Gadgets Coming Soon!)

Perhaps you'd like to see Savvy for yourselves.  Can-do.

Savvy's Blog Picture

Want to read (and follow) Savvy's several blogs?  You betcha.

Along with the Indiana State Library, Hussey-Mayfield pioneered the Evergreen Indiana (E.I.) open-source integrated library system (ILS).  Mooresville Public Library was one of the first five Hoosier public libraries to join the consortium, so we've done our share of pioneering, which is appropriate, considering that our public school nickname is Pioneers.

You may also follow Savvy on Twitter.  Here's how.

Is Savvy on Facebook?  Not that I've found so far; however, there's someone by the same name on MySpace, but I'm not sure it's she.  You can find her on LinkedIn, though.

I haven't actually met Savvy yet, but Broadway Gal's word is good enough for anybody.  My minions have been researching Savvy through the Internet.  Amazingly informative and, simultaneously, slightly scary.

Welcome to my Library, Savvy!  You will never want to leave.  This is the greatest place to work on the planet, bar none.

That's 'Cause I'm Here, Naturally,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
New Hires News Beat

P.S.  Remember that whole "rein/reign" thing I started with?  Here's the musical segue.  "Love Reign O'er Me," by The Who, appeared on the album Quadrophenia (1973).

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