Saturday, January 21, 2012

Noodling Around With Numbers

Wild Thang (Miss Jaymi) and Sammy the Toucan apparently never sleep, because they have already created another early literacy video and blog for the Letter N n.  Not that I'm surprised.  Nowhere will you find anyone who works harder than those two.  Now we should stop using words beginning with N and move along to the video.  Next, you should click the graphic below to play the video.  "Need more help?" I naturally offer.  "Not necessary," you reply.  Okay, enough of that.  No more, please.  'Nuff said.

With all that noodling around with numbers (in the video), I'm naturally hungry.  Minions, make with the din-dins, now, if you please.  Don't forget the napkins.

Nicely Done Video, Wild Thang and Sammy,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

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