Sunday, January 22, 2012

Anime-Manga Gal Gets a New Nickname

Since Savvy has been hired as my Library's Young Adult Librarian, she will be assuming all things teen-oriented, which leaves Anime-Manga Gal without any anime manga-ing to do.  Furthermore, since Anime-Manga Gal recently was promoted, she needs a new "Cauli" name.

I've given this considerable thought.  The best suggestion came from The Lady With the Red Hair, who, like Anime-Manga Gal, is a Technical Services Librarian and Guru Supreme of All Things Cataloging.  (Both are managers of technical services departments, but not at the same libraries.)  T.L.W.T.R.H. offered the nickname Technigal, which is close in spelling to technical (as in library technical services).  That, for my money, is the best fit for Anime-Manga Gal.

Minions, make with the legalese:

"Be it remembered that, on the 22nd day of January, 2012, pursuant to authority promulgated by law, custom, or convenience, the official 'Cauli' designation of Anime-Manga Gal, Technical Services Manager, shall be and is hereby changed to Technigal, with all appurtenant rights and privileges conferred unto the designee under the auspices of Mooresville Public Library, in the Town of Mooresville, County of Morgan, State of Indiana.

Decreed the day and date first written above,

[Illegible Signature]
Cauli Le Chat
Chief Moniker Designation Officer
Mooresville Public Library"

Sounds more official when you have an actual lawyer writing it.  Believe moi, he could spew that stuff all day long.  Don't ask.  Just don't.  'Nuff said.

Why Don't Lawyers Write in Plain English?  Just Asking,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Nickname News Beat

P.S.  As our musical closer, I'd include "Lawyers, Guns, and Money," by Warren Zevon, from his LP Excitable Boy (1978), but he uses a naughty word in one of the refrains.  So instead we'll run with a song that has a girl's name in its title.  In particular, it has Technigal's actual first name.  How about "I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate," or, simply, "Sister Kate," a jazz number composed by Clarence Williams and Armand Piron (1915).  The song was purportedly based on a bawdy tune by Louis Armstrong, but since he was born in 1901, he would have had to have written it at age 14 or younger in order for Williams and Piron to have adapted it for their 1915 composition.  That makes it unlikely, but not impossible, I suppose.  Here's a clip from the motion picture Wabash Avenue (1950), starring Betty Grable, whose character sings "Sister Kate" in the film.  Weren't her legs insured for a million dollars during World War II?  Check here to see.

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