Friday, December 9, 2011

We Have a Song!

Broadway Gal reports that she now has the vocal and instrumental tracks recorded for our new Library music parody of "Rocky Top."  Video soon to follow.  Check the postscript to this posting for details about the original song and our parodizing. (Merriam-Webster online dictionary says parodize is the transitive verb form of parody.  That would make parodizing a gerund.  Works for moi.)

I can't play it for you, because it's all super hush-hush top secret, but it was fabulous, and you will love it.

Stay Tuned to This Feature For Further Updates,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Music Video News Beat

P.S.  There's even a cool video of the performers singing Broadway Gal's lyrics (about loving our library) to the "Rocky Top" parody.  Sorry, but you can't see it.  Wait for the Library's video, which should be done as soon as it's finished.

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