Friday, December 9, 2011

New Look on YouTube

The MPL YouTube Channel has a new look.  Check it out!  On the "Featured" tab, which should initially appear when the web page loads, there are easier hyperlinks to our various social media in a menu along the right, and featured video playlists are shown.  Complete playlists and video listings may be viewed by clicking the "Videos" tab at the top. The "Feed" tab shows recent activities on the channel.

Click to Bigify

Overall, the site should be more streamlined and easier to use.  The viewership counter (upper right corner) is still undercounting viewings by roughly 1,800, but that's a minor wrinkle.

Give it a whirl!  There are currently 228 videos to watch, so there's plenty to interest you.

Watch My Videos First--Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Videos News Beat

P.S.  Don't forget to watch the early literacy videos on Wild Thang & Sammy the Toucan's YouTube Channel.  You know the way there from here.

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