Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Great Holiday Book For Your Felines

Broadway Gal gave me a wonderful present during our department meeting this afternoon.  (I now consider moiself to be a department head kitty, since I presently have five "Flat" Caulis under my direct supervision.  It's not official unless Boss Lady gives me the paws up, however.)  It was this terrific book of feline carols.  Perfect for the season!  My copy's cover looks like the top photo (below).

Author Laurie Loughlin and illustrator Mary Ross team-up to present this fantastic collection of holiday songs that your felines will love to sing--well, caterwaul, anyway.  Here is one that is particularly apt for moi.  Sing the lyrics (below the following video) to the Hanukkah song, "Hevenu Shalom Aleichem."  Here's a video (the first of its four songs) so you can get the rhythm of the song.

Here are the feline-oriented lyrics:

We want some tuna and chicken
We want some tuna and chicken
We want some tuna and chicken
We want some tuna, chicken,
Beef would be nice, too

(repeat several times, increasing tempo each time)

There are lots of other feline favorites, such as "Joy to the World."

Joy to the world
'Cause cats are here
They fill all hearts with love
Let everyone prepare them food
And let them eat their fill, and let them eat their fill,
And let, and let them eat their fill

Who can forget the classic "Oh, Come All Ye Furful."

Oh, come all ye furful,
Hungry and well-rested,
O, come ye, oh, come ye to
The master bedroom
Come and behold them
Snoring loudly 'neath the sheets,
For now it's time to wake them,
For now it's time to wake them,
For now it's time to wake them
On this Christmas morn.

(Second verse omitted)

I don't want to reprint too much from the book, or else there would be no need for you to read it!  I hope these samplings are sufficient enticement to peruse its playful pages further.  It is available, quite rightly, in our Evergreen Indiana online catalog.  If you've got an E.I. library card, check it out.  You'll have a laugh riot, if you're a cat fancier.  Even slobberdogs will think it's funny.

Thanks Again, Broadway Gal, For the Super Gift!

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Readers Advisory News Beat

P.S.  If you like feline humor, take a whirl with Henry Beard and his French for Cats book series.  This was only our second book trailer, so it's kinda rough around the edges.  You may find one of Beard's titles available in our Evergreen Indiana online catalog.

1 comment:

  1. Hmph. I just did a search through my big city library's catalog - and they don't have it!


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