Friday, December 2, 2011

"Flat" Dovydas, Video Star

Yesterday I blogged about "Flat" Dovydas Balčiūnas, our visitor from Vincas Grybas Gymnasium, in Lukšiai, Lithuania.  Like "Flat" Stanley of literary fame, "Flat" Dovydas travels the world in an envelope through the mails.  It is an exciting and imaginative way to see the world, and to have the world see you.

My library colleagues like to make videos for the MPL YouTube Channel, and so we decided that "Flat" Dovydas needed a video, or "promo trailer" as we call this variety of video.  (We also call them "program trailers," when they promote a library program.  We've got all kinds of names for our videos!)

Click to Play Video

We hope our video makes "Flat" Dovydas a huge Internet star.  Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy the promo trailer.

More Photos of "Flat" Dovydas' Library Visit Coming Soon,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
"Flat" Stanley News Beat

P.S.  Does "Flat" Stanley have a video?  Of course.  About a million.  Let's have a look at one.

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