Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This Set of Quints is Five-Ways Cool

My Library's composer, whom I call The Music Man, has just completed a new music CD.  I'd like to share this fantastic music with you, and since it's my blog, I get to make the call.  Such are the perks of being a feline roving reporter.

CD Cover

I'll provide running commentary from the CD's liner notes, which explain the whys and wherefores for each composition.

Each of the five original compositions provide musical themes that could be used for film, video, ot stage play soundtracks.  Each offers a particular set of moods and dramatizations.
  • Woodwind Quintet I could be used during an opening scene of a movie, or as narrative to introduce the audience to aspects of who the main characters are.
  • Woodwind Quintet II demonstrates romantic tension and ongoing development between two major characters.
  • Woodwind Quintet III is patriotic, "national anthem" sounding music used to express a nation's greatness, or utilized to promote a government's propaganda.
  • Woodwind Quintet IV is a reflection upon events during the fact.
  • Woodwind Quintet V reveals a major character's moment of self-reflection and self-realization.

Naturally, these short musical vignettes could be used to express other various emotional situations in movies or television, on videos, during live stage plays, or other applications.  There are many possibilities to explore.  My Library is fortunate to have the composer's permission to use this (and his other) compositions in any of our videos, so we are blessed with a diverse portfolio of musical gems.

Click the embedded players below to listen to these pieces.  Earbuds or earphones will help you appreciate the nuances, although a solid pair of computer speakers will do wonders.

Woodwind Quintet I

Woodwind Quintet II

Woodwind Quintet III

Woodwind Quintet IV

Woodwind Quintet V
I hope you enjoy these musical selections.
I Am My Own Vocal Instrument,
Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Music News Beat

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