Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Spooky Sprucing Up

Decorinator and ObitLady are currently sprucing up my Library for October SpookFest by peppering bookshelves and wall tops with homemade Halloween knickknacks.  One of my capable minions has snapped these digital pix.

Who Are These Strange Felines?
Sending Out Warning Postures, For Sure

Boo To You, Too

Look, But Don't Smell, Like Pumpkins

Exactly WHAT, may I ask, is that hanging from the "what's happening today" sign?  Looks like a web slinger (NOT Spiderman), but I've never seen one THAT large before.

Think How Big Its Web Must Be!

Programma Mama put up the paranormal book display for October SpookFest, and we have some photos, to-wit:

Decorinator and ObitLady are still sprucing up the Library with their fabulous seasonal homemade crafts (Decorinator makes everything herself), so I might take a few more pictures, if I can round-up a minion to make it so.

ADDENDUM:  If I want something done right, I have to do it moi-self.  Minions made themselves scarce when I communicated my photo-taking assignment, so I had to have Harley, my feline "cub" reporter, snap some pix.  Not my fault if they're out-of-focus.

"Yo, Ho, Ho, and a Bottle of Rum" 

Arrrrgh!  Willie and Hank be pirates!  Shiver moi timbers!

Halloween Comes to Tiny Town
(at the MPL Circulation Desk)

Boo 2 U, 2,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
SpookFest News Beat

P.S.  "Happy Phantom," by Tori Amos, was released on her solo debut album, Little Earthquakes (1992).

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