Saturday, October 15, 2011

Some Spirited Noise-Making

October SpookFest would seem empty without some noisy spirits. Let's have some put on a show, shall we?

Colin Wilson has spent decades studying the paranormal. His books on the subject are exhaustively researched, clearly written, and analytically sound. In a field fraught with light-weight, superficial, poorly reasoned presentations, Wilson's books have always been reliably substantive, displaying high levels of scholarship and critical thinking. What's more, Wilson delivers avalanches of evidence and presents a persuasive case.

Each of these qualities is present in the second edition of Wilson's book, Poltergeist: a Classic Study in Destructive Hauntings (Llewellyn, 2009). The author presents his usual encyclopedic treatment of case histories and historical records. He examines poltergeist phenomena from multiple angles, considering various explanatory theories. Our book trailer gives a brief summary:

Readers new to paranormal activities generally (or poltergeist phenomena particularly) will have little difficulty sifting through this extensive examination, as Wilson explains ideas with remarkable lucidity. Those more immersed in psychical research will benefit from his attention to detail and engaging writing style. This is a classic study in every respect, and anyone interested in poltergeists will be intrigued and informed by Wilson's exploration of the topic.

A Bit of a Noisy Spirit Moiself,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Paranormal News Beat

P.S.  "Poltergeists Grazing," by Alexander Tucker, which appeared on the CD Portal (2008), musically closes our noisy spirit blog post.

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