Saturday, October 15, 2011

Trying to Solve Unsolved Mysteries

October SpookFest presents some author déjà vu to try to solve unsolved mysteries.  Some trick, huh?

British writer Colin Wilson, whom we met (more or less) in my previous blog posting, has published extensively in the fields of paranormal research and criminology. His books are well-researched, thoroughly documented, soundly reasoned, and include comprehensive bibliographies. The Mammoth Encyclopedia of the Unsolved, co-authored by Colin and Damon Wilson, presents the fruits of decades of diligent research into unsolved mysteries around the world. This book is especially fun to read, given its extensive coverage. It is intended to be an introduction to each of its topics; Colin Wilson assumes his readers will want to read more about every subject, and, so, he provides copious bibliographical references. Our book trailer below gives a brief introduction, but you should go to the book itself for a more complete preview. Had we touched upon every topic from the book, this book trailer would have been about five minutes long! So we've prepared a selective overview.

Unsolved Mysteries Are Like Canned Tuna-in-Oil Without a Can Opener,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Paranormal News Beat

P.S.  With all these mysterious magical topics in the Wilsons' mammoth book, who else could musically close than The Beatles with "Magical Mystery Tour," from the album by the same name (1967).

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