Friday, September 16, 2011

Wild Thang & Toucan Sammy Now on YouTube

We talked about Wild Thang and her sidekick, Sammy the Toucan (or should it be Toucan Sammy?--just asking), blogging for early literacy at my Library. Their videos are now uploaded to the MPL YouTube Channel under the Explore to Learn: Early Literacy Fun Playlist.  (Wild Thang also has her own YouTube channel.)  As of this afternoon, there are four videos available for your viewing pleasure.

Make no mistake, it is indeed a pleasure to watch these videos.  If you're interested in early literacy, you should become a follower of Wild Thang and Sammy's blog.  They have some great information available. You won't want to miss it.

Here are their vids so far.

Introduction to Early Literacy Blog

The Letter A

The Letter B

The Letter C

(I detect a pattern forming here.)  These are really top-notch, Triple A rated, super outstanding videos.  They are entertaining, clever, informative, and, amazingly, Wild Thang and Sammy the Toucan are doing this impromptu, which is improvisation.  That's pretty amazing.  Off-the-top-of-your-head is a tough business, especially for clever-challenged people like Scowl-Face.

I have only one minor objection to "The Letter C" video.  Wild Thang should know that C stands for moi.  Even Sammy the Toucan understood that (at the end of "The Letter B," if memory serves).  But I noticed there was no mention of moi (or felines generally).  What's the first word many youngster people learn to read or spell?  C-A-T.  I rest my case.

But Wild Thang is to be forgiven, because her work (and Sammy's) is so utterly fantastic.  I hope you enjoy it, too.

Hey, Wild Thang, Maybe the Letter F Stands For Feline,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  I hope this isn't still top secret, but it's breaking news, and I am, after all, a roving reporter.  The MPL Staff worked on their new video at today's Library in-service.  Broadway Gal has written parody lyrics to "Rocky Top" (1967), a country/bluegrass tune written by Felice and Boudleaux Bryant.  The song was first recorded by the Osborne Brothers (1967).  "Rocky Top" is one of eight official Tennessee state songs.  That's some feather in the Bryants' cap.  Early indications are that my Library's parody video will be hysterical, if Broadway Gal, Payor Pal, Wild Thang, and Boss Lady can train their colleagues to line dance.  Tall order, that.

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