Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It Should Already Be In Your Pocket

The American Library Association (ALA) calendar tells moi that September is Library Card Sign-up Month.  I know that my alert, intelligent readers already have their library cards safely pocketed for quick use, but if you're not among those who are card-carrying library patrons, then you should make haste to your favorite library and get one, pronto!

ALA likes to use promotional videos for these sorts of events, so we should fit in nicely.  Here are our promo trailers, music videos, and other such like encouraging patrons to sign-up for their library cards.  Long-time readers will have already seen these videos, so please bear with moi, for those who haven't yet had the viewing pleasure.

Library cards are your passports to the world of learning adventure.  What better value could you get for free?

I Always Carry Mine, But I Won't Say Where,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
ALA Library Promo News Beat

P.S.  Signing-up for something is often a good idea.  Sometimes, it doesn't quite work out as one might expect, as in the case of signing a music performing or recording contract for Gerry Rafferty and Joe Egan, who co-wrote "Sign on the Dotted Line," which was released on Rafferty's album Can I Have My Money Back? (1971).

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