Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Flat Cauli Rules

The Library's Homeschool Group will be having its first meeting of the new academic year on September 12, 2011 (1:00-2:30 p.m.) in the MPL Youth Program Room, and I see Broadway Gal has brought out the big guns to launch the fun and excitement.  Read our calendar description below to see what's in store.

Click to Bigify
(Not My Fault If It Doesn't)

The star attraction is, quite rightly, moi.  Homeschool Group will be practicing their artistic skills using moi as their subject.  This will undoubtedly be the biggest artistic development in Mooresville, Indiana, since Paul Hadley designed the Indiana State Flag.  What do you suppose portraits of moi will fetch in the leading art galleries around the world?  Quite a pile of cold cash, let me tell you.

For My Portrait?  That Works.
(Thanks to Drawer Dude & Buffalo Gal for the photo)

This alone would be more excitement than most people could handle.  But there's more!  At each Homeschool Group session at the Library, students from different families will be taking home a "flat Cauli," like the one that appeared in my place at the Library's Old Settlers Festival booth earlier in August.  ("Flat Cauli" is my blog photo.)  They will then report about "my" visits with their families, much like respondents reported for "Flat Browser" in Browser the Library Cat's blog.  (Hey, if you jump on the bandwagon, you don't have to walk so much.  Makes sense to moi.)

I can't wait to hear all about the fun our homeschool folks will be having with "flat Cauli" as their companion.  If you can't have the genuine article, it's the next best thing.

"Flat Cauli" Gives New Meaning to Roving Reporting,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Homeschool News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of portraits and fine art, here is a book trailer featuring an interesting autobiographical work by Captain Robert L. Snow, now retired (I think) from the Indianapolis Police Department.  The book, Looking for Carroll Beckwith, explores the intriguing connections between Snow's life and the life of James Carroll Beckwith (1852-1917), who was an artist best known for his portraits, landscapes, and genre paintings.  The book is available for check-out in the Evergreen Indiana online catalog.

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