Saturday, July 23, 2011

Quackerwaddle Update

Long-time readers may recall my blog posting about a mama quackerwaddle and her chicksoons (or would they be ducksoons?  I'll call them waddlings).  Well, I checked their nest today, and I saw that only a couple eggs were left.  I think these didn't hatch, but I suspect the others did.  Mother Quackerwaddle and her brood have since left for more riparian quarters (I am using the scientific, rather than the legal, definition of riparian.)  Fortunately, the White Lick Creek is just about 1000 feet west of here.

White Click Creek (left) & Mooresville Public Library (right center)
(Click Image to Bigify)
(Courtesy of Google Maps)

It will seem kinda lonesome around my Library's Kinder Garden now that the quackerwaddles have moved to their new digs.  Maybe the waddlings will return next year to have nests of their own.  We are a family-friendly facility, after all.

Looking Forward to Next Year's Neighborhood Brood,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Zoological News Beat

P.S.  Sergei Prokofiev composed his opus, "The Ugly Duckling" (1914), as a tribute to his relationship with his lover and librettist, Nina Meshcherskaya.  The piece is based on the story by Hans Christian Andersen.  The YouTube video (above) is accompanied by an explanation in Russian, which I don't understand.  Come to think of it, I don't understand most human languages, even (sometimes) English, which my people colleagues at the Library speak, more or less.

1 comment:

  1. Hope those little quackerwaddles have found a new home as good as Moorseville! I expect mother quackerwaddle or waddlings will return again :)


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