Thursday, June 16, 2011

Professor Le Chat Calls Class to Order

Right now, as I blog, I am sleeping on the rear table in a computer lab in which The Lady With the Red Hair and Scowl-Face are conducting advanced cataloging training for Evergreen Indiana.  We are enjoying the truly fine facilities at Jackson County (Indiana) Public Library, courtesy of our host, Terri Wichman, JCPL Manager of Technical Services, who is also conducting the training.  [I am sleeping because, as you may have already surmised, Scowl-Face is doing his (YAWN!) PowerPoint slideshow and is droning about some such cataloging this-or-that.]  Don't get me wrong--this cataloging stuff is SUPER important for those librarians who specialize in this extraordinarily difficult and challenging work--but, as my Library's Roving Reporter, it's snooze-city, so I'll just briefly report about it (which is my job, of course) between catnaps.

I'm hoping that there will be time later for moi to lecture about my magnificence as a feline roving reporter.  My worldly experiences should be required listening for any students.  Plus, I have a lot of valuable information to impart to my audience.  Unlike Scowl-Face, I'm a fun professor who makes class enjoyable.

That's Professor Cauli Le Chat, If You Please

Want to learn more about Evergreen Indiana?  Watch our program trailer.  Or you could visit the Indiana State Library website.  Why not do both?  Twofers for the price of one!

Hey, we're breaking for lunch!  Gotta run!  More later, if I don't take a longer nap after chow.

Hoping for Pizza,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Education News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of teachers, here's Alice Cooper singing "School's Out" (from the 1972 album of the same name) with the Muppets.


  1. Hope they r giving u plenty of tuna treats in between your napping and listening to lengthy talks!
    It was funny watching Alice Cooper with the Muppets!

  2. Cauli, How can you be simultaneously blogging and sleeping? How is that even possible?


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