Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Water Fountain Replaces Volcano

Boss Lady has replaced our old water volcano with a new water fountain.  We have a much taller little mountain in the center, which Broadway Gal says is a sculpture (not a mountain), but it looks like a mountain to moi.  We previously blogged that it was a water volcano, but we've concluded, now that it's apparently finished, that it looks more like a fountain.  What's your take?

 New Water Fountain in MPL Courtyard

With all that brick and stone, it looks fountain-like, no?

Typical Water Fountain & Pool

 This makes a much better impression in the Library Courtyard than the old water volcano, don't you think?

MPL Courtyard as Seen From Inside the Library
(Because It Was Thunderstorming Outside Today)
Old Water Volcano Behind Coffeehouse-Style Table
in MPL Courtyard (early May, 2011)

It is quite a nice structural improvement to the Library Courtyard, Boss Lady.  Still, I think my idea was better.

A Sure Tourist Attraction

Wondering Where the Water Goes,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Facilities Improvements News Beat

P.S.  Enjoy some natural water displays--the geysers and related thermal features in Yellowstone National Park, as shown here from the Geysers of Yellowstone DVD, available from this website.

1 comment:

  1. U make a great king of the mountain water volcano! The geysers at Yellowstone are amazing. They r on my list of places to visit, after of course King Cauli Le Chat!


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