Sunday, May 22, 2011

Special Bookmark For My T. Bear Pals

My T. Bear pals, who will be my overnight guests at my Library this Thursday (May 26, 2011), will receive lots of special take-home items, mostly care of the Decorinator and Wild Thang.  They each get a custom-made bed and blanket, among other things, and so I wanted to include something special for them from moi.  So I made a Teddy Bear Sleepover bookmark, with authentic Cauli pawtograph, of course.  (Click images below to bigify.)

I also revised my previously posted bookmark so that the front and back line up properly when you duplex the printing.  (Scowl-Face needs to learn to edit MS-Word bookmark templates.  Just saying.)  Again, click (below) to bigify.

This pawtograph thing is a really big deal among critter celebrities.  I think my pal Tober should have one.  So should my friend Morgan the Library Bunny.  Get with the program, guy and gal!  Make it so, AB Karen at Thorntown (Indiana) Public Library.  You too, Morgan County (Indiana) Public Library Mommies.  Your number one celebrities deserve no less.

Love to Curl Up With Nice, Warm, Freshly Laminated Bookmarks,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Children's Program News Beat

P.S.  Expert Village has many excellent informational videos on YouTube, including one about making unique bookmarks.

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