Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Big Surprise!

By Harley Quinn
MPL "Cub" Reporter
Upbeat News Bureau

My feline journalist mentor, Cauli Le Chat, has given me an extra special assignment to report at the Summer Reading Kick-Off Celebratory BigBash this Friday, May 27, 2011.  Ohboyohboyohboyohboy.  I just love these special assignments!  It is apparently quite hush-hush, which makes sense, because it involves our Library, where quiet is the watchword.

Cauli told me that I must sit still for a change in this super-secret chamber, upon which human patron types will try to hit a marked target.  This will automatically give me (or moi, as Cauli, who is a French feline, would say, by the way) a huge terrific surprise.  I love surprises!  Do you think it will be some tasty kitty snacks, like the ones Cauli wanted Payor Pal to put in the Library's vending machines?  Or maybe a laser mousey!  I just love to play laser mousey!!

Laser Mousey

Here's the chamber in which I'm supposed to sit and get my surprise.  What do you think it will be?

Waiting Patiently for My Surprise

Come to the Summer Reading festival at my Library to find out how this surprise thing works out.

Hard to Wait Nearly All Week, But I'll Try Really Hard,

Harley Quinn
MPL "Cub" Reporter
Special Surprise News Beat

P.S.  We can't talk about festivals, fairs, and whatnot without mentioning Simon & Garfunkel's "Scarborough Fair/Canticle," from their album, Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme (1966).  "Scarborough Fair" is a traditional English folk ballad, while "Canticle" was Art Garfunkel's counterpoint.  "Canticle" was a revision of Paul Simon's 1963 song, "The Side of a Hill."

1 comment:

  1. This summer celebratory event sounds like it will be great fun! Shame we don't live nearer.
    Good song choice, can't go wrong with Simon and Garfunkel.


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